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Full marks to Devonport High
Posted by admin on July 11, 2011
[Caption:"(from left to right) Rose Boylan, Morgan Febey, Eva Kline and Kate Johnson from Devonport High School"]
As part of their Independent Project class four Devonport High School students have developed an innovative and eco-friendly way to raise money for the Tasmania Land Conservancy.
The students, Eva Kline, Rose Boylan and Morgan Febey (Year 9) and Kate Johnson (Year 10), came up with the idea of gathering empty printer cartridges from the community and selling them to the Tasmanian Printer Cartridge Company, who have agreed to purchase refillable cartridges for $5 each, and to recycle any that can’t be used.
The students met with Mr Paul French, manager of the Tasmanian Printer Cartridge Company, and negotiated an agreement with him that will provide the Tasmanian Land Conservancy $5 for each usable, empty printer cartridge the students collect.
They are presenting their plan to the school in a whole school assembly shortly, and will also be contacting local primary schools and offering to develop a collection program with them as well.
This exciting project has been developed and is being managed by the four students with only minimal supervision by their teacher, and is an outstanding example of how young people can play an important part in preserving Tasmania’s natural heritage.
Thank you girls !
If you would like to find out more about this great initiative or to donate to the TLC please contact us on (03) 6225 1399 or email us at info@tasland.org.au