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Open Standards University course for Asia-Pacific/Oceania region

Posted by scahalan on November 18, 2014

The World Commission on Protected Areas has identified a need in the Asia and Oceania Regions for capacity building to equip protected area practitioners with the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies for effective management of protected area systems on land and sea. A collaboration of protected area practitioners from universities, government, private protected areas and conservation organisations has been established to meet this need.

Courses offered specifically address competency standards identified by Global Partnership for Professionalising Protected Area Management (GPPPAM). It is anticipated that these courses will be amongst the first in the world accredited under GPPPAM.

The first course forms part of Graduate Certificate of Protected Area Planning: KGA531 Protected Area Management Plans will be run in Tasmania, Australia.

This five day intensive course will equip you with the understanding and ability to use an internationally recognised, integrated conservation planning and management framework - the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation.  The live-in course will feature the Tasmanian Land Conservancy’s stunning Five Rivers Reserve in the heart of Tasmania as the case study.

It will run from Monday 2nd - Friday 6th February 2015 at Bronte Park, Tasmania, adjacent to the TLC’s Five Rivers Reserve, 2.5 hrs bus drive from Hobart.  The costs, which includes all food, accommodation, transport, materials, is AUD 1,900

To register or for further information, please contact Stuart Cowell  +61 427 508 308 (scowell@conservationmanagement.com.au) or Daniel Sprod   +61 428 240 007 (dsprod@tasland.org.au)