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UTAS student investigates sustainable firewood harvest for TLC

Posted by on October 1, 2013

Aerial view of the TLC's Serpentine property

Aerial view of the TLC's Serpentine property.


We’ve been fortunate and are very grateful to our volunteers who give so much of their time to champion biodiversity in Tasmania. Each person comes to us via different routes: maybe a shared conversation at an event, a recommendation by a friend or via our website.

One such volunteer, UTAS student Dana Elphinstone, came to us after hearing a joint ‘Paper Bag Lunchtime Talk’ session at DPIPWE by TLC’s Landscape Ecologist, Daniel Sprod, and University of Tasmania’s Chair of Resource Economics, Professor John Tisdell. The talk, exploring the potential for developing an ecosystem services framework for Tasmania, inspired Dana to seek professional work placement at the TLC.

Dana is completing her Master’s Degree and Graduate Diploma of Environmental Management and Planning. Her work at the TLC explored the potential for a sustainable firewood enterprise on our Bronte properties.  These properties already deliver the ecosystem services of carbon sequestration - carbon credits created for sale on the international market, and biodiversity - protecting and enhancing the natural values of land.  Both of these services are backed by legally binding agreements and constrain the activities that are possible.

Daniel, who mentored Dana during her time with us, said that Dana’s work had been pivotal in defining both the constraints under which a sustainable firewood enterprise may work, and the nature and scale of benefits.

“She has explored in detail what sustainability means for firewood harvest may mean on our properties,” he said.

“The scoping and policy document she produced brings us a step closer to realising further potential of the properties, which we are actively moving into the new economy.

“As many conservationists have concerns about the impact of firewood harvest on natural values, this is an important piece of work from which we will be able to learn and share with the broader community.”

Dana is one of several science volunteers undertaking important work for us and her time volunteering will be credited to her studies as part of the Professional Work Placement program at UTAS.

If you’re interested in volunteering with the TLC or would like more information feel free to contact our Community Engagement Officer Phillip Roach at proach@tasland.org.au